It's time for your physical, but I notice that you have a hard-on. I'm patient at first because this is actually a common problem, but after waiting for a couple minutes, I start to get annoyed because your boner is getting in the way of me being able to do my job. I have a lot of patients to see today, and I really need to keep this moving. I finally decide I'll ride your cock to solve this problem. I have to take care of this if I want to complete your physical. I ride you and I try to pretend I'm not annoyed, but I'm very annoyed, especially since it seems to be taking you a while to cum. You ask me to pull out my tits, and I'm not happy about that, but I do it. After that, I'm less patient with you. I fake an orgasm and you finally cum inside me. I get off you and get dressed again. I can finally finish this physical.
Featuring: Lady Fyre
Tags: Big TitsEyerollImplied CreampieLady Fyre Clips